
New Songs that caught our attention


October Releases:

No One Greater - Bridgett Kern
This entire project is useable.  Some of our favorites are "Place Of Healing" "Jesus Our King" "In You" "Filled" "Heaven Come Down".  Anytime you can find a project that has more than 2 songs that are useable it's like finding a gold mine. "He Shall Reign" the single released in in 2014 this is a perfect track to use for Service Openers.

Clean - Natalie Grant
If there was a "Song of the Month" winner, this would win hands down.  If you don't purchase any other song this month, do yourself a favor and buy this one.   We think this song is up there with "Worth" by Anthony Brown for "Song of the Year."  
This track is perfect for Altar, a special during Easter, would work great with harmony added for your Choir/Praise Team. Vamp Lyrics: "Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice, Your blood flowed red and made me white, My dirty rags are purified, I am clean"

King Of The World - Natalie Grant
This song would be good for Altar/Invitation after a message about God having all power, Trusting In Him, Surrendering Your Life, etc.   It's a song of remembrance that He is the one who holds it all, we don't need to try to control our life, He's got it all in the palm of His hand.... Chorus Lyrics: "When did I forget that you've always been the King of the world? I try to take life back right out of the hands of the King of the world. How could I make you so small, when you're the one who holds it all? How could I forget that you've always been the King of the world?"

First - Lauren Daigle
Not a brand new release, but we're just getting around to noticing this track.  If you're looking for a new "opening" song, and your congregation likes modern worship this song is a great choice.  Sometimes we need to be reminded we need Him to be "First" in our lives, before our wants and desires.   Verse 1 lyrics: "Before I bring my need I will bring my heart, Before I lift my cares I will lift my arms" 

Thirsty - Chris McClaren
This is another not so new track that we wanted to bring it to your attention, just in case you missed it during the summer. This is a good "Invitation" or "Altar" song...the chorus lyrics "If you're thirsty, The Spirit and the bride say come, Oh come oh come, There's mercy, It doesn't matter what you've done, Oh come oh come"

"Thank You For Being God" - Travis Greene
This medium tempo song will have you exalting the greatness of our God with powerful lyrics "You're too big for error, You're too wise for mistakes, You are a mighty God perfect in all Your ways." 
"The Hill"- Travis Greene
This is a good Easter song, as you'll hear on the recording this song lends itself perfectly to have a "controlled" Testimony time.
"Made A Way" - Travis Greene
When you're tired of singing "Break Every Chain" for the millionth time, try this song, it has way more lyrics, but still the same feel.

"The Blood" - Troy Sneed
If you're looking for a good song about "The Blood" and haven't found it, just do this revamped Andrae Crouch classic.
"Heal Our Land" - Troy Sneed (features many artists, 2 of which are H.O.W. clinicians, Shawn Bigby and Bryan Pound). 

JH Hymn Medley - James Hall
You just have to love the smooth blending of songs and outstanding vocal arrangement of these great hymns including "Wonderful Words Of Life", "Love Lifted Me", "I'm Happy With Jesus", and "No Not One".

"Faithfulness To Me" - James Hall
This track is a good old-fashioned, driving 6/8 meter, Black Gospel choir song.   You will want to sing that vamp all day long... "Great is Your faithfulness to me" over and over. 

"The Great I Am" - Joe Douglass (featuring Lyna Byrd-Miles)
An easy, upbeat, Gospel Call & Response type song "Lord You Are The Great I Am"

"Marvelous" - Cindy Cruse Ratcliff
Sung with Steve Crawford and Da'Dra Greathouse (formerly of Anointed, now serving as worship leaders at Lakewood) this track is our favorite track on the project.  It is yet another remake of a classic Hymn "My Savior's Love".


"He Shall Reign Forevermore" - Chris Tomlin

"Adore" - Chris Tomlin

"It's Christmas" - Chris Tomlin - (follow the link for a free chord chart) If you don't have much time and are only going to teach one song, choose this one.  It's a new chorus, and blends different classics with it.  Be warned, it's an ear worm..you'll be walking around for days sing "It's Christmas, the angels are singing, and I know the reason, the Savior is born.  It’s Christmas! the bells are ringing, and I feel like shouting, Joy to the world!"