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Heart of Worship (HOW) is more of a movement than an annual event. Heart of Worship is a year-round ministry designed to serve leaders and empower music teams.

HOW is a community of worshipers, UNITED by a common motive and passion for the presence of God.  Heart of Worship is a SAFE PLACE to gather, to share, to connect. That is why we call ourselves "family."

Heart of Worship is identifiably APOSTOLIC.  Our desire is that a profound demonstration of God's power will be present in the life of every worshiper.


HOW IS COLLABORATIVE and INTERACTIVE!  Unlike many events where the staff or speakers are held apart from attendees, at HOW our team takes personal interest in your story.  Our HOW staff are warm, friendly, and willing to engage your journey as a worshiper. The Round Table Discussion lunch and Evening Retreat are just a few ways we strategically plan for an atmosphere that is inclusive and interactive.

MUSICAL EXCELLENCE is a high priority for our HOW team. However, we do not place spotlight on individual artists. Instead, amazing musicians and singers, many whom are artists in their own right, come together to form a giant worship team that brings incredible worship and musicality to each evening service and daytime General Session.  Together, we yield our gifts to God's purpose and the result is . . . well . . . amazing!


Heart of Worship Ministries is led by a steering team of five worship ministry leaders, who collectively represent over 100 years of ministry experience.
The founder, Laura Payne serves as Associate Professor of Music at Urshan College.

Nanci Holston is a music ministry consultant who bases out of Central California and currently serves at Revival Center in Modesto, CA.

Kevin Howard is the new Choral Director at Urshan College as well as a traveling music clinician who serves conferences and churches across the nation, and works closely with Capital Community Church in Ashburn, VA and Pentecostals of Alexandria in Alexandria, LA.

Betsy Ruvalcaba-Christensen brings a rich ministry legacy in a bilingual church and currently bases out of Seymour, IN, conducting worship seminars.

Derek Craddock is the Associate Pastor and Worship Pastor of Northgate Pentecostals in North Richland Hills, TX, he also serves as the Director of NTY MAGNIFY.

The steering team began working together in the mid 2000’s, and to date has put on 13 conferences and one retreat together. This team has a shared vision and works year-round to create direction and ministry strategy for Heart of Worship.


Special thanks to our HOW Administrative Staff. James Roberts and Carene Bracken are an important part of HOW Ministries. Look for their friendly faces at each HOW event. They are available to answer questions and assist you!


Each HOW event includes the powerful contribution of worship leaders and music pastors from around the country. Stay tuned for our HOW team at the next upcoming event.

HOW Retreat 2025
October 15-18th 2025
Eagle Sky of the Ozarks, Piedmont, MO

Double Occupancy $1120 per couple* Registration Link:

  • Bed Configuration: One king bed and one lower bunk bed

  • Occupancy: Designed for two occupants

  • Setup: Perfect for a pair of guests seeking shared accommodations

  • Linens: Linens, bedding, pillows, and towels are provided for your convenience in hotel-style accommodations. Guests can expect a comfortable and well-prepared environment during their stay

QUAD+ Occupancy $510 per person* registration link:

  • Bed Configuration: One king bed and up to three bunk beds

  • Occupancy: Capable of accommodating up to 8 occupants

  • Setup: Ideal for a smaller group with a mix of a king bed and bunk beds

  • Linens: Linens, bedding, pillows, and towels are provided for your convenience in hotel-style accommodations. Guests can expect a comfortable and well-prepared environment during their stay

*Pricing includes: Conference Reservation, Lodging, and 8) Meals
Children ages 5 and under are Free of charge.

If you live local or want to secure your own lodging and attend sessions only - please email to discuss.


Cathedral of Pentecost - Ft. Lauderdale, FL


3:30 PM      Check-In
5:30 PM      Dinner
6:30 PM      Fireside Service:
8:00 - 10:30 PM Connect time 

8:30 AM      Breakfast
9:30 AM      Worship & Devotion:
10:30 AM    General Session 1: David & Melanie Elms
12:00 PM    Lunch
1 - 2:30 PM Breakout #1
3 - 4:30 PM Breakout #2
4:30 - 6 PM SELAH 
6:00 PM      Dinner
7:30 PM      General Session 2 - David & Melanie Elms
9:30 PM      SNACKLUCK HANGOUT (Bring Your Own Snack!)

8:30 AM      Breakfast
9:30 AM      Worship & Devotion
10:30 AM    Breakout #3: 
12:00 PM    Lunch
6:00             Dinner
7:30             General Session 3: with David & Melanie Elms

8:30 AM      Breakfast
10:30 AM    General Session 4: Communion
Noon           Departure

The first Heart of Worship retreat happened in October of 2021. It has been a long-time vision for HOW to offer a unique worship retreat experience. We gathered at Eagle Sky, in Piedmont, MO for a profound time together of worship, healing, impartation and relaxation. Stay tuned for testimonies regarding this amazing event!



Can you give us one sentence on how Heart of Worship is unique or meaningful to you?

HOW is a deeply powerful and intentionally curated experience, designed to awaken the creative and innovative spirit within, drawing us into communion with the Lord and echoing the divine essence of creation instilled in us since Genesis.” - Tyler Hutchinson - Dallas, TX

“Heart of Worship feels like a warm hug in a landscape of vast loneliness. I place to belong, to feel held by an almighty God in the presence of like minded Kingdom servants.” - Elenee Young - Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada

“The first time someone suggested I attend a HOW Conference, I will admit I was skeptical. I had previously been to many conferences that focused solely on the latest songs or fancy chords. These events often felt competitive, as if you were nothing if you weren’t at the top.

However, from the moment the first song started, I felt a sense of healing—I was finally home. I was free to be vulnerable, share my frustrations, and find a safe space. I was heard, seen, and felt like I truly belonged! It was a group of people who cared for one another, sharing laughs and tears together. They challenged and supported each other, and in that moment, my heart found a home!” - Deb McGowan - Brooklyn Park, MN

“Hopefully it’s not a cliche to say life changing. I walked away with strength, confidence in my calling, the know how to delegate and trust my team, and the desire to stay in (the) music ministry. When I went I was sure I was sure (that) I was done but when I came home I was renewed.” - Danelle Silveira - Hollister, CA

“It is unique in the fact that I feel the leaders are so humble and Everyone has a story and that transparency came through in the sessions.” - Vickki Clasmeyer - Dinuba, CA

“Heart of Worship is unique in that it is not just a conference but a movement that seeks to know what it means to be a true worshipper.” - Jordan Holston - Turlock, CA

“I’ve had many people ask me what Heart of Worship is.  I’ve tried to explain it and words always fail me.  The only way I’ve found is to say ‘it’s a worship experience!’  It's not a conference.  It’s not a seminar.  It’s an experience.  It’s the opportunity to pull away from music responsibility and just experience Jesus” - Karla Holley - Wichita Falls, TX

“HOW has made such a deep impact on my life in such a way that the only way to truly describe it would be…you have to experience it for yourself!!!” - Tim Montes - Modesto, CA

”It’s not just ministry teaching; it’s heart healing and Spirit renewing” - Lisa DiMauro - Palm Bay, FL

“Heart of Worship is more than an event or a product, it is a loving family that I can’t imagine life without.” - Josh Dalgetty - St. Louis, MO

”It has helped me discover that God desires to draw us to the depths of His heart, to literally hear His exact heart beat and feel His love for the whole world and for little me. At HOW, Worship to our God is more beautiful and goes so much deeper than any depth man can fathom and we are left in awe and wonder.” - Krystin Fisk - Dallas, TX

“HOW can’t simply be defined. To me, personally, it’s one of those experiences you have to live in person to understand it. You could feel the hunger for Jesus in the room to the point that it made you want to be vulnerable. I was physically healed during one of the altar calls. God revealed Himself to my family and I in a way we’ve never experienced before. HOW is exactly what this generation of worshipers needs.” - Alett Frias - Pittsburg, CA

“HOW was a place where I could receive from God things I didn't know that I sorely needed; a refreshing of my spirit in the midst of worship and learning,  a renewal of joy and passion, hope for the future, and peace.” - Ryan Kite - Honolulu, HI

“Everytime I attend Heart of Worship, God heals in a way I never knew possible - music related or not.” - Ashley Jamison - Dallas, TX

“It feels like home because there’s a liberty to worship without pressure to perform, God is elevated, not the flesh.“ - Kadee Sullivan, Citrus Heights, CA

“I believe it’s meaningful because each part of it is so relatable. It’s something you “ACTUALLY” deal with week in and week out. To be around people that deal with the same Issues, you know you’re not alone and not doing something wrong.” - Faith Cooley, Lake Charles, LA